PARADIGMA BARU KOMUNIKASI PEMBANGUNAN (Tinjauan Teoritis Pengembangan Masyarakat Agraris di Kabupaten Sambas)
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Abstrac: Equitable development and a high level of prosperity is the hope of all parties, especially for the government, the community, or entrepreneurs. So that efforts to improve and develop the community will continue. However, after several attempts have been made, the value is still not optimal. This, of course, raises questions, what are the causes. To answer that, many issues must be resolved by the parties concerned in improving the development and welfare of the community. Some of the problems include the lack of optimal community participation in supporting the government's efforts to improve community welfare. In addition, the fundamental problem is also the inaccuracy of the implementation of development strategies used by the government itself. Theoretically, the initial development of the strategy adopted to develop society is an approach oriented to commercial aspects, such as Modernization, Independence and the World Economic System. Furthermore developed into a theory of diffusion and innovation that focuses on aspects of changing social systems in society. Considering the development of a society that is always dynamic with the development of times and civilization, the strategies and approaches chosen by the government should also develop. So that a new paradigm in development communication emerges which gives birth to a new theory, known as cybernetics. This theory is a theory that focuses on aspects of community involvement and participation as a communicant and communicator of development. The principle is to foster a high sense of community participation through several stages, namely; stimulation of interest, initiation, legitimation, decision to act, and action.
Keyword : Development Communication, Agricultural Society.
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