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The Qur'an as a holy book and a guide to human life has characteristics that are open to interpretation, this can be seen in the historical reality of the interpretation of the Qur'an as the response of Muslims in an effort to understand it and valuable references for Muslims will be felt when someone understands subtleties contained in it through a path one of which is called interpretation. Al-Tabari is the most important figure in the ranks of mufassirmutaqaddimin who lived after Tabi'in al-Tabi'in with his monumental work Tafsir Al-Tabari, he was able to elaborate in depth in his commentary studies by gathering a number of narrations originating from the Apostles, friends , the tabi'in through the traditions they narrated, as well as the narrated narrations from Jews and Christians who have faithfully converted to Islam and he concluded that according to him is considered the most correct of all the narrations, especially in the matter of the criminal law of hudud and qishash. The type of research is qualitative research, which is a study conducted with library research. Thabary's interpretation has its own characteristics compared to other interpretations, it absorbs the meaning of strong language with ancient Arabic poetry and prose. At-Tabary when understanding the verses about the law of hudud and qishash, then he tried to carry it out in the form of the command and prohibition.