PREFRONTAL CORTEX ACTIVATION IN BUILDING EMPATHY The prevention of Genocide Based on Surah Al-Alaq [96]: 15-16 Perspective

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Sherly Dwi Agustin Nurul Azizeh


This study is to explore the possible reduction of genocide tragedy through cortex prefrontal activation in order to build a positive energy of empathy in terms of theological perspective. The main issue of this study is how the bad thinking pattern of perpetrators of crime is isolated by the active cortex prefrontal that can build self control and compassion as stated in the QS. al-Alaq [96]: 15-16. Using the theories of the Quran thematic approach, case approach, and literary analysis, This surah declared a reminder to those who have ignored God’s commandment in obeying His guidance, so that neurons in their prefrontal cortex play a role in managing the emotions are attracted to make the empathy circuit suffered abnormality. This empathetic abnormality that can cause people to tend to violence and the possible psychological spectrum of empathy can curb impulsive behavior. It also implies on the contribution of Islamic exegesis of Quran to the scientific exploration of social behavior.

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How to Cite
AGUSTIN, Sherly Dwi; AZIZEH, Nurul. PREFRONTAL CORTEX ACTIVATION IN BUILDING EMPATHY. ICRHD: Journal of Internantional Conference on Religion, Humanity and Development, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 97-110, apr. 2020. ISSN 2722-7812. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.