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Rizkiatun Aulia


During the outbreak covid-19 pandemic, life sector facing numerous obstacles. Education is the most affected sectors by covid-19. This pandemic sets social-distancing limitations on people, forcing them to stay at home. To stop the global spread of COVID-19, the Indonesian government decided to temporarily cease teaching and learning activities in schools, which began in mid-March 2020. The Minister of Education and Culture also instructed to do online learning in all Indonesia education institutions. In this pandemic, online learning presents unique challenges. This study was conducted to identify the difficulties in online learning on English subject in covid-19 pandemic era. This study takes at SDN 016 Muara Badak in Kutai Kartanegara Regency of East Borneo on academic year 0f 2021. The data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative research. The researcher went on the interview with an English teacher. The data were analyzed using the interactive model of Miles, Hubberman, and Saldana. The interactive model is covering data collection, data reduction, and conclusion. The study begins by pointing out the obstacles faced in the world of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main part of study presents the difficulties faced by English teacher, students, and parents in online learning of English subject. The study concludes with some solutions on overcoming the previously mentioned difficulties. The findings showed difficulties in learning. In many cases the students have either no smartphone or gadget, learning media, limited face-to-face interaction and internet quota. In facing difficulties, a teacher, students’ parents also trying to find solutions for difficulties in learning English.

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How to Cite
AULIA, Rizkiatun. DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT SDN 016 MUARA BADAK IN COVID-19 PANDEMIC ERA. CJP-BUAF 5th: Journal Proceeding's Conference of Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum 5th, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 7, p. 243-250, jan. 2022. Available at: <https://confference.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/buaf5th/article/view/89>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.