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Hanan Hanan


ABSTRACT. The COVID-19 pandemic (Corona Virus Desease 2019)  is causing all kinds of reactions. Starting from all work carried out online, to termination of employment that increases unemployment. The vacancy of activities caused by the pandemic has actually increased the number of young people affected by K-Wavers, especially teenagers. Hallyu/K-Wavers is a term or designation used for those who are influenced by the Korean wave. This shows the popularity of Korean entertainment and culture. It is undeniable, Hallyu/K-Wavers is a phenomenon that greatly affects a person's self (spirituality), especially teenagers. In this research, the writer wants to explain the spiritual aspect of teenagers who are affected by the Korean wave (K-Wavers). The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, which describes the condition of the spirituality of Banjarmasin teenagers who are included in the K-Wavers community or association by using an exploratory study research approach using online questionnaires and interviews. The author randomly selected 20 youths who were influenced by Korean culture from different communities in Banjarmasin. The results showed that 70% of the sample was included in the K-Wavers in the past. However, around 30% of new samples have entered K-Wavers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The sample's level of preference for Korean culture also varies. Most of them just like and get used to always following his works. Even though, some samples also have excessive admiration for Korean public figures. Aspects of spirituality vary, most of the samples still carry out the mandatory and Sunah. However, some other samples are only limited to carrying out obligations. Spiritual changes appear to occur in the sample who has a high level of interest in Korean entertainment and culture (fanatic towards Korean entertainment and culture). This happens because, most of the time, it is used to explore these things.

KEYWORDS: Hallyu/K-Wavers; spiritual; pandemic

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How to Cite
HANAN, Hanan. DAMPAK FENOMENA HALLYU / K-WAVERS TERHADAP SPIRITUALITAS REMAJA BANJARMASIN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19. CJP-BUAF 5th: Journal Proceeding's Conference of Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum 5th, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 3, p. 63-70, dec. 2021. Available at: <https://confference.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/buaf5th/article/view/75>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.