Challenges of Working in Modern Society in the New Normal and Digital Market (Ethical-Religious Approach) Challenges of Working in Modern Society in the New Normal and Digital Market (Ethical-Religious Approach)

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Muhammad Mafrukhi Fahmi



Abstract: This study aims to examine the internalization of the moral values ​​of society in general and to find a difference between the New Normal and its challenges by using an approach to religious ethical behavior. The process of ethical-religious self-formation is the internalization of moral values ​​originating from religious dogma to become a person who behaves ethically and religiously, which can be understood through cognitive science, introspectionism, neurophysiology, individual psychotherapy, and eastern traditions. The life of the working world which is generally not indiscriminate and not infrequently even secular in its implementation later, after the Covid-19 disaster that was felt in real life directly. Suddenly changing all the order of life in a new direction or called the New Normal, so as to make the community more religious then try to apply moral guidance through religious ethical behavior whose character does not only involve the internal mentality of the individual community but also the external mentality of the individual community which is influenced by the determinant factors in society. forming religious ethical behavior, namely the influence of family, the influence of peers/coworkers, morals and personal values ​​and situational factors. So the results of this study are finding that, a solution for the common good in facing a new challenge will be achieved if there is a balance in the application of understanding the concepts of religion and sociology so that it will have a positive effect on the psychology of each individual in facing economic pressures in the midst of a pandemic.

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How to Cite
FAHMI, Muhammad Mafrukhi. Challenges of Working in Modern Society in the New Normal and Digital Market (Ethical-Religious Approach). CJP-BUAF 5th: Journal Proceeding's Conference of Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum 5th, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 4, p. 111-122, dec. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.